

As a firm believer in the value of personal coaching through listening, brainstorming, goal setting, planning, and accountability, I will work with you directly via Skype, Messenger, WhatsApp, Zoom, Viber, or e-mail — whichever way we can best accommodate each other.

I work with a select number of people for three months at a time. This allows me to give you, the student, my undivided attention. It is also why I prefer the home setting to the hospital setting in my nursing career — it simply lets me focus on a specific patient and prioritize his or her needs only. My confidence-coaching approach follows the same principle.

To book your free Get to Know You session, please, email me at


What I teach:


Time Management 

Little can be accomplished without setting up a clear plan for your day, week, month, or year. Depending on your goals, the daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or five-year plan you create may be simple or complex. The important part is to start prioritizing your time in ways that ensure you keep moving towards the completion of your goals and, ultimately, the realization of your dreams. I will teach you how to differentiate between high-priority and low-priority activities and show you how to efficiently integrate your goal-realization process into the hours of your day, every day! 



Letting go of limiting beliefs is imperative to personal growth and success in life. It simply means we have allowed ourselves to lift unnecessary mental barriers and, without guilt, moved on to adopt more practical and elevating ideas. The empowerment that this process of letting go brings to the individual is the main reason people are more willing to persevere through the challenges they face with each new goal or adversity. I will help you explore your self-limiting beliefs, so you can break these barriers and free room for thoughts that inspire faith in yourself and motivate you to finally undertake that seemingly crazy, ambitious goal!  


Stress Control

I will show you how to turn anxiety into a motivating force in your life instead of having to bear with it for the debilitating factor it currently is. Being brave does not mean you are fearless. Being brave means you take action despite your fear and anxiety. The more action you take while being well-aware of your fears and hesitations, the closer you get to a fearless state of mind! Understand your fears first, and then get out there and acquire real experience through deliberate action! 


Setting Goals

To build self-esteem, you must have inspiring goals and start acting on them. To then build self-confidence, you must finish all steps required to complete each and every goal. This includes overcoming the challenges along the way, too! Remember, the true value of every journey towards an ambitious dream is the person you become while traveling it — the new, awesome you on the other side of the dream! I will urge you to set meaningful goals in each aspect of your life. After all, that’s what the holistic approach is all about! 


Weight Loss and Health Optimization Through Quality Nutrition, Fitness, and Detox

It is hard to achieve far-reaching goals if health problems are in the way, and this is true for more than one reason. Almost everybody you interact with knows if you’re in a poor state of health or in excellent health. People tend to draw conclusions, pass judgments, and make relationship choices based on first impressions. Mediocrity in health management often implies mediocrity elsewhere, too, at least to those who are truly successful and strive to lead by personal example. To accomplish great things in life, you need to surround yourself and interact with people who have accomplished great things in their lives, and look the part. You also need the physical and mental endurance to work through your goals and produce the desired results. Therefore, keeping your health at an optimum level at all times is a topmost priority. I will teach you how to make sound health decisions and develop the discipline to implement these decisions without compromises.

Money Prioritization and Financial Growth

Money is justification number one in pretty much every conversation about people not being where they would like to be in their lives. This is where things get real, ladies and gentlemen! Are you in credit card debt up to your eyebrows? Are you relying on a 401(k) for your retirement and seeing your retirement assets shrinking with the stock market as we speak? Are you drowning in a mortgage or rent payment on a house you can’t actually afford? Are you working two or three jobs because you can’t otherwise make ends meet? Is your job your only source of income? To be able to consistently build wealth, you must first create measurable financial goals as well as learn to control your money habits. Then, you need to develop a plan on acquiring cash-flowing assets and implement that plan.  If you feel that you could do much better with your finances and want to learn discipline and planning for financial growth, I can help you with that, so let’s talk! 


Relationship Choices

The people with whom you surround yourself in your adult life are 100% your responsibility. There’s nobody else to blame for hanging out with the wrong crowd. Why is this important? Well, in most cases, friends, coworkers, and loved ones are the main influences over your health, career, and financial decisions. Well-intentioned as some advice may be, it does no good if it comes from ignorant people. It is also important to consider who is emotionally supportive of your aspirations and who is constantly instilling doubt in your ability to succeed. You cannot live by other people’s opinions, nor should you allow their unrealized ambitions to prevent you from being confident that you can succeed in your own quest for personal growth. How often do you allow others to dictate your way of life, and why? Let’s brainstorm through this together! Using others as an excuse for your lack of accomplishment is not a mature approach and will lead you nowhere! But there are steps you can take once you are clear on where exactly you stand in your relationships. This realization, in turn, enables you to tailor your relationship choices and enhances your time-prioritization skills!


I put every effort into convincing my mentees early on that, it truly is in their best interest to gain full control over all of the above items, in order to experience the pride and satisfaction that comes into a person’s life once these are successfully integrated through consistent and honest effort! 

Quit putting it off!

Book a free Get to Know You session by emailing me at